Register for IELTS with Us!
EduGlider is an official IELTS Registration Center in the UAE authorized by the British Council. IELTS is the world’s most recognized English language proficiency test. IELTS scores are demanded as a gateway to professional language excellence, migration, higher education, university admission, employment opportunities, etc. Anyone seeking to work or study abroad requires to qualify for this international English language proficiency test. If you’re looking to work or live abroad and study in globally ranked universities in different countries, then taking an IELTS test can help you make that dream come true. To know more, get in touch with us.
IELTS provides a 9-band scale for the exam. In each level, you will be given a score from 1 to 9 and an average score of each level is calculated to deliver your band level. Professional IELTS classes in Dubai will enable you on achieving Excellency in the English language. Based on the purpose, there are two IELTS versions. Both exams are valued in the same format.
IELTS Academic
This measures the English language proficiency required for the academic environment like university admissions. This test includes 60 minutes for each reading, writing, and speaking test and a 30-minute test for listening.
IELTS General
This measures English language proficiency in a practical environment. This certification will add to your career and work environment.
IELTS Exam Pattern
Listening (30 minutes, plus 10 minutes extra to transfer your answer to your answer sheet)
Recorded monologues and conversations.
Reading (60 minutes)
Three long reading passages with tasks
Texts range from descriptive and factual to discursive and analytical.
Writing task of at least 150 words where the test taker must summarize, describe, or explain a table, graph, chart, or diagram.
Includes non-verbal material such as diagrams, graphs, or illustrations.
Texts are authentic (Example taken from books, journals, and newspapers) Writing (60 minutes)
Short essay task of at least 250 words Speaking (60 minutes)
Face-to-face interview – Includes short questions, speaking at length about a familiar topic, and a structured decision.